Simmering Granules - assorted fragrances

An ideal way to refresh your home is to warm a couple of teaspoonfuls of simmering granules in an oil burner.

Make the best of aromatherapy with these granules that are infused with delicate fragrances.

Simmering Granules are normally used in oil burners, but are less messy as they don't need oil or water. Just put a spoonful of granules in the burner and replace them when they're used up.

Chase away cigarette odour by placing a few granules in ashtrays; freshen bathrooms and cupboards with a little bowl of granules, use them like potpourri. Wherever you'd like your favourite fragrance, just simmer some granules.

You can also display them in food! Hollow out a pepper, use a wick and you have a homemade candle! You can do the same using a hollowed out orange.

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