All Workshops

All workshops include a manual to take home, 10 incense sticks, ginger tea to begin and refreshments mid-morning or mid-afternoon

Half day workshops are £30

10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm

Whole day workshops available for £50

10am - 4pm

Angel Card Reading (inc cards to take home)

You will start your journey into the world of Oracle cards by relaxing with a Forest Therapy Pod Ginger tea and an Angelic Blessing. We will move onto cover subjects including: grounding and protection, understanding Angels, how to use your cards, developing ability and legal requirements. You will also receive the Forest Therapy Pod’s guided meditation to use at home. Some people confuse Oracle cards with Tarot cards. We will not be learning Tarot and there are no negative cards contained within the packs. You will receive your own set of Angel Cards to take away with you and the chance to join a private Angel Card reading Facebook group with other workshop attendees for continued support.

October Dates;

Wednesday 9th October 6pm - 9pm

Saturday 12th October 10.30am - 1.30pm

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Positive Thinking, The Law of Attraction, Manifestation and Vision Boards

Coming soon!

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Angels and Auras

Coming soon!

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Meditation and Relaxation

Coming soon!

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Chakras and Auras

Chakra and Aura healing are forms of energy healing that can be used when you are feeling ill or stressed.

Chakras are energy centres  within the body. They work together so when one becomes blocked it impairs the working of the other chakras, causing an imbalance that can hamper emotional and physical well-being.

The state of your chakras are affected by current life situations, and also by past experiences. They channel energy throughout our bodies and can become blocked in the same way as your mind becomes blocked when you are facing a difficult decision.

Auras are a reflection a persons’ mood or intent. They are energy fields that flow from your body and offer information about your current state, mood and personality. Auras can change quickly depending on situations. They are affected not only by your state of mind but by people around you. Depending on your circumstances, your aura can be changed quite quickly.

This workshop will provide you with the information you need to conduct healing on auras and chakras, either on yourself or another person.

We will also include a practical element to show you how to see other people's auras!

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Flower Remedies

Coming soon!

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Healing with Herbs

Coming soon!

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Healing with Crystals

Coming soon!

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Aromatherapy at Home

Coming soon!

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