All consultations include relaxation time and Forest Therapy Pod's special blend ginger tea.
Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young and old. It focuses on you as an individual, concentration on treating your specific physical and emotional symptoms, to give long lasting benefits.
The therapy is based on the theory of treating "like with like" and can be safely used alongside most conventional medicines. It has a wide application, from acute fevers, sore throats and toothache to chronic illnesses such as arthritis, eczema, anxiety, mild depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. We understand that establishing good health involves treating both the mind and the body, so time is taken to listen to your emotional and physical symptoms.
To stimulate your body's own healing process, a remedy closest to your individual symptom picture is prescribed. Healing your body from within, strengthening your health and immune system, without any danger of damaging side effects.
£40 for an hour
The Bach Flower Remedies are widely known and have proven to be a very effective complimentary therapy for over 70 years. This form of healing was discovered by Dr Edward Bach, who was one of the pioneers of the field of complimentary medicine. He understood that, more often than not, physical illness is the result of persistent, negative, emotional and mental states.
There are 38 remedies, (plus Rescue Remedy). They contain positive aspects of certain negative emotions or states of mind. By introducing these positive vibrations into the Human Energy Field, the causes of existing negative conditions are addressed so healing can take place. Most remedies are made from flowers, buds, blossoms or leaves of various trees.
Usually more than one remedy is needed. They are completely safe and can be taken with other medication. Using them in combination with crystal healing is also very beneficial. At The Forest Therapy Pod we offer a consultation service, with a simple questionnaire, to prescribe the correct remedies for you.
£40 for an hour
After our third child was born I really struggled to lose the baby weight. I tried all diets on the market and enlisted a PT too. Nothing seem to work and being perimenopausal certainly didn’t help either. A few years ago, during the summer holidays, I decided to take matters into my own hands, I made a note of how my body responded to foods and focused on my food intake at certain times of the day. My sports nutrition qualification helped me understand how this all worked and I set about writing my own diet and lifestyle plan. I stuck to it and within a short space of time I saw brilliant results!
I truly believe this is possible for everyone.
All you need is a positive mental attitude and focus!
Our sessions will consist of friendly chats about lifestyle changes and particular aspects of a healthy eating plan that will help you stick to a routine, enjoy it and see results!
I will help you to change paths and see a new you!
£40 for an hour